It may be luckiest to live with such a wonderful mum as in this movie, where she took care of her girls tremendously well. This mum was protecting, guiding and comforting those lovely girls so that they can grow up as they wish. Four girls were different from each other. Meg was nice, Joe wild, Bath kind and Amy realistic and jealous. This little Amy may know what she wanted well when she was a little girl. She can burn Joe's manuscripts just for a ticket and I even thought she fell into water deliberately somehow to draw attention from Laure. Joe was so vivid and so lucky to meet her soul mate finally, both of them were hopeless perfectionism.
#当代MOMA# 坚决反对一切将政治和事件庸俗美学化的尝试…最滑稽而讽刺的地方应该是拍的是文革从头到尾散发着小布尔乔亚的幻梦气质冯小刚能力不足以完成对于毛时代的追忆马赫遥这种素材就留给后人吧